Started doing his first tattoos in 2019 and having already acquired several tattoos, intrigued and fascinated by the technique Pablo began his path in the office. A friend gave him a tattoo machine that he had lying in a corner and then bought the rest of the things little by little. 

With bases in traditional American art and always self- taught, both in tattooing and in the plastic arts, Pablo was able to develop a particular style based on drawing and painting motifs linked to classic tattooing, but at the same time giving it a characteristic and distinctive touch that It makes people recognize it when they see it. 

He likes to be versatile in terms of styles and techniques, not doing just one style since curiosity, desire to learn and personal progress kept him active, also the fact that gets bored if he does the same thing for a long time, that's what makes him try to reinvent himself, finding inspiration in fields outside of tattooing, such as illustration, painting, music, architecture and any other creative field that generates some concern and often admiration. 
